Phillip E. Bell Jr. #5
Worshipful Master
Sr. Warden
Jr. Warden
Jabari Cooley
Jamar Grovner
Andre Hall
Darrell Wade
Anthony Horsley
​Phillip Emanuel Bell Jr.
March 14, 1953 - June 29, 1980
The Man
Phillip E. Bell Jr. was born March 14, 1953 in Las Vegas, NV to Phillip E. Bell Sr. and Mrs. Carrie Bell. He was an electrician by trade and member of the Local #357 Electricians Union.
Bell was a member of St. Marks No. 15, F&AM under the Arizona Jurisdiction, where he serv3d the lodge as Junior Warden and Junior Deacon. Bell loved the Masonic Order and served the Craft faithfully. His extraordinary life was cut tragically short in an auto accident on June 29, 1980. Bell was the youngest Mason in the Jurisdiction at the time of his death. Phillip E. Bell Jr. is buried in the Eden Vale Cemetery on Las Vegas Blvd. and Foremaster Ln., near his fother, Phillip E. Bell Sr.
The Lodge
When Nevada was forming its own Masonic Jurisdiction, a request was formally made to the Bell Family to name a lodge after their deceased son. With permission from the family granted, Phillip E. Bell Jr. Lodge #5 was chartered under the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nevada on March 21, 1981. The lodge charter was signed by Most Worshipful Grand Master Clester Nelson and Grand Secretary Spurgeon Daniels.
Since its inception, the brothers of Phillip E. Bell Jr. Lodge #5 have been active members of both the Nevada Jurisdiction and the City of Las Vegas, participating in a variety of service, activities and assisting with various charities and community organizastions. Out in the community, the brothers of Phillip E. Bell Jr. Lodge #5 can be found feeding the homeless at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission or sponsoring an annual ice cream social to lift the spirits of domestic violence vitims at the Shade Tree Shelter. The Lodge has also given away backpacks and school supplies to students, donated sports equipment to hyouth teams in need and has hosted fasion shows and car washes. The Lodge annually sells fireworks in booth during the 4th of July and operates a booth during NASCAR to raise money to support its philantropic endeavors. The Lodge's signature service project occurs during the Thanksgiving Holiday, where seeral families are adopted and given a complete Thanksgiving meal. Phillip E. Bell Jr. #5, also, mentors/supports young people through sponsorship of the Knights of Pythagoras youth group.
In addition to an established track record of service and leadership, Phillip E. Bell Jr. #5 remains a positive reflection of Prince Hall Masonry in Las Vegas and is the mother lodge to the Past Most Worshipful Grand Master Jeffrey S. Jones